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The Graduate School regularly offers for-credit courses to enhance students’ knowledge and skills to better prepare them for their future careers.

GRAD 9010/9020: Preparing Future Faculty (1 credit each)

The Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) course includes a series of activities designed to expose graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to the realities of teaching, research, and service in higher education.

The course aims to enable graduates to make the transition successfully to employment in the academic community equipped with a realistic knowledge of academic culture, behavioral expectations and career expectations. Click here to learn more.

GRAD 9050: Preparing Future Professionals for Post-Graduate Studies Careers (1 credit)

This specialized leadership and transferable skills course aims to help students recognize their potential and versatility for careers within and beyond the academy. Beyond leadership theory, the course is framed by 4 competency areas: 1) Analytic competencies; 2) Personal competencies; 3) Communication competencies and 4) Organizational competencies. Learning is enhanced with short text readings and videos in the course management system.

GRAD 8100: Graduate and Professional Communication Strategies for Global English Speakers I (3-credit course load) 

This class focuses on the development of complete clauses and sentences that incorporate linguistic strategies for clearer articulation with more effortless language production.  It provides strategies for effective oral explanations of concepts, procedures, and methods for reinforcing/organizing ideas. This course is appropriate for ITAP level 2-P (2-Provisional) students wishing to concurrently hold office hours or lead a basic laboratory. It is also appropriate for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who wish to improve their language skills. This course is listed as zero credit hours for the purposes of billing; however, the workload is equivalent to a 3 credit course. Consult your advisor and/or international center about recommended number of hours to take in addition to this class.  Graded on S/U basis only.  Prerequisites: ITAP language level 2P (2-Provisional), or TOEFL/IELTS speaking score 23/7.0, or instructor consent.Click here to learn more about language levels and the ITAP program. Enrollment requires instructor consent. Please complete this Course Request Form.

GRAD 8200: Graduate and Professional Communication Strategies for Global English Speakers-II (3-credit course load)

This class emphasizes development of rhythm and pitch in oral communication, and compensation strategies to increase Global English efficacy when exchanging messages between listeners and speakers. It provides information on student-centered learning, teacher engagement, and overview of learning objectives in the context of creating a teaching presentation. It explains the process of facilitating discussion in the classroom and the mechanics of language for Global English Speakers during discussions. This course is appropriate for ITAP level 2 students wishing to improve their communicative skills to take on TA positions to lead recitations, discussion or review sessions, or studio classes. It is also appropriate for others seeking to improve fluency and ease of interaction for professional development. Click here to learn more about ITAP levels and program. Enrollment requires instructor consent. Graded on S/U basis only. Please complete this Course Request Form. This course requires ITAP Language Level 2, or TOEFL speaking 24-25 or IELTS speaking 7.5.

GRAD 8300: Graduate and Professional Communication Strategies for Global English Speakers-III (3-credit course load)

This class focuses on the development of extended speech including phrasing, mood, and complex grammatical structures. It provides strategies to tailor speech to specific audiences including varying structure, vocabulary, grammar, and tone to engage, structure, interact, and inform. It includes strategies to identify and navigate difficult situations in the classroom. This course is appropriate for ITAP level 3-P (3-Provisional) students wishing to concurrently lead recitations, discussions, reviews, or studio classes. It is also appropriate for graduate students/postdoctoral scholars who wish to improve their interpersonal communication and interactive presentation skills for professional development. This course is listed as zero credit hours for the purposes of billing; however, the workload is equivalent to a 3-credit course. Consult your advisor and/or international center about recommended number of hours to take in addition to this class. Graded on S/U basis only.  Prerequisites:  ITAP language level 3P (3-Provisional), or TOEFL/IELTS speaking score 26-27/8.0 or instructor consent. Click here to learn more about ITAP levels and program. Please complete this Course Request Form.