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The Non-Degree Graduate Student Program (post-baccalaureate) allows students to prepare for admission to a graduate degree program either at MU or elsewhere, explore a new discipline, take courses for career advancement, or simply to seek personal enrichment experiences.

A non-degree graduate student has access to MU libraries, museums, labs, and recreational and athletic facilities. Some academic programs may limit the availability of their courses to non-degree graduate students. Contact the academic program in which you wish to take courses for more information.

The non-degree graduate student may take undergraduate or graduate-level courses but does not earn credit toward a graduate degree. Up to 12 hours of graduate credit taken as a non-degree graduate student may be applied to a graduate degree program upon approval of an academic program if the student is accepted.


Applicants who hold a U.S. bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution may be admitted to MU as non-degree graduate students. There are additional requirements for international students.

Click this link for information on application fees.

Tuition and Fees

Non-degree graduate students pay graduate educational and student activities fees for both graduate and undergraduate courses.

Financial Aid

Non-degree graduate students are not eligible to receive veterans benefits or to hold campus-sponsored assistantships. Federal financial aid may be available to some non-degree students for preparatory coursework. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for more information (573-882-7506 or via email at .

Maintaining Good Standing

Non-degree graduate students must maintain a 3.0 GPA.

If the cumulative GPA is less than 3.0, the student will be given one automatic probationary semester. If after one semester of probation the student’s cumulative GPA does not reach 3.0, the student may be granted a second probationary semester following a successful written petition made directly to the Dean of the Graduate School.

If the student fails to improve following the second probationary semester, the student will be made ineligible to enroll as a non-degree or degree seeking graduate student. If at any time a student’s term or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, the student will be ineligible to enroll as a non-degree or degree seeking graduate student.

Switching to Degree-Seeking

Non-degree graduate students who wish to earn a graduate degree must:

Students who have only been enrolled through Missouri Online must complete a new application for admission.

Non-Degree Application Process

Applying for On-Campus or Online Study

  • Complete and submit the application for admission.
  • As part of the application process you will be asked to upload unofficial copies of your transcripts. Please provide official transcripts to the Graduate School prior to the end of the first term of enrollment, in order to enroll in future terms.

Note: Supplemental application materials such as a resume, a statement of purpose, GRE scores, etc. are not required for non-degree graduate applicants.